Monday, March 7, 2011

My Dear Sons

My Dear Sons
       You will find on this blog a lot of letters that I will write to you.  I am writing them to you only because I love you and I want you to live in this world with as less stress as possible.  I wish you all the happiness, grace and mercy that God can give you.  In these letters I will give you my in site on God, life, love, women and men.
      The world today is a hard and crazy place to live and to grow up in.  It will be hard to raise you in this environment with the outside world ways dominating your thinking through T.V. and Video game family and friends.  What was know as bad years ago is now considered good.  What was good is now considered bad.  I hope this blog will reinforce the differences between right and wrong.  My hope is that you will remember what I teach you daily and pass it on to your children and your children's children. 
In this blog I plan to help you and guide you along the ways of life, love and the world.  Every child needs to be lead and guided during their younger years and here is an attempt to help you and many other mother, fathers, sons and daughter.

Love You,