Sunday, December 15, 2013

Why You Should Always Praise Your Wife.

My son,
     Never, let other men out do you on praising your wife.  You should always make sure she is properly praised.  So often times,  we get in the normal routine of life and we forget to let our spouse know how much they mean to us.  We began to get into the mundane and start to see all the things our spouse does wrong and commit on what we see them doing wrong in our eyes. We don't give thanks to what they are doing or trying to do to help accomplish God's mission in the family's life, or gain confidence in one another. You should always praise your wife because it shows her that you love and appreciate her, it keeps the wolves away and she will not form an emotional connection with another and praise builds her confidence in herself.

     When you give praise to your wife it shows that you love her and appreciate all the things she does for you and the family.  So often times, a wife has to cook, clean the house and the children, teach the children, help with the homework and take the children to practice, games and other events.  This is a job in it's self not to mention that some wives have a full time job.  That is not all that she does.  She still has to take care of your needs as well.  All of this can get over whelming and cause stress to her if not supported by words of encouragement and praise.  A wife needs to know that what she does is not taken for granted or done in vein. If a wife feels this way, it could lead to depression and unhappiness; however words of encouragement can bring her back to life.

     Some marriages end in divorce because a husband doesn't praise his wife,  he takes what she does for granted and then her comes a guy that gives her praise everyday.  The guy listens to her and  accepts her as she is, he sees all the thing she does and let her know that she is good and special.  She could form an emotional connection with the guy and next thing you know she is saying bye bye.  So don't put her in the position of hearing another guy show appreciation and admiration to her more than you. Even if a guy may really think that your wife is a good person and appreciates her, as long as you out do his praise, she will always be there for you.

     When you praise your wife it builds her confidence in herself and in her standing in the marriage.  If you always tell here what she is doing wrong,  it can tear her spirit and bring her down and this will bring your family down.  If she is built up by you and the word of God, she has a stronger foundation.  Praising her supports her and in turn she is readily available to support you and the family.

God wants our praise.  We are not God, but we are his children.  We want praise as well.  So always say good things about your wife to her, yourself and others.  Let people know that you are the luckiest man in the world and that you have The Good Wife.  Let people and your wife know that you know that you have found a good thing.  Fill your heart with praises so that your mouth may speck it.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Dragon naturally speaking speech recognition software.

Today, I have finally started to use the Dragon naturally speaking speech recognition software. It is something, that I really and truly need to be used to. It has taking me of very long time to get it up loaded on my computer. I had to start, restart, and start again. I was on the phone with the customer representative of Dragon for about two hours for my computer. However, I was able to finally get it loaded onto my sons computer. I am dictating this post via the Dragon software. It is working out very well at this time. It does have a few kinks that I have to get used to but it is working just fine. Maybe I will be able to make more posts on my blog and not have to wait much between blogs.I just made a post on Facebook and its did good. I know I have a lot to learn about this software and I know I have to improve my accuracy. I look forward to working with this Dragon naturally speaking speech recognition software on a daily basis.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Fireproof Soundtrack-Life is Not A Fight

Dear Sons,
      Whenever you find yourself lost and lonely and find your self on the verge of giving up on your marriage because you are arguing and fighting about small things, just remember that love is not a fight but it is worth fighting for.
      Don't give up on your loved ones.  When a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing.  You can't
 give up on your good thing.

Friday, May 17, 2013

God and Game

 To often we allow our situations and circumstances to dictate to us how we react.  This can not happen if we have a purpose in life and we set goals to reach that purpose.  Without a purpose we are controlled by life and we are not controlling our lives.  With prayer and a strong relationship with God, we begin to learn our purpose and become more confident in life and develop Game.  Game is God Against Mine Enemy.  Like a Pit bull latches on to it's target, holds on tight and has to be forced away from it's target, so should we latch on to our God given purpose.  Once we find our purpose, we must latch on to it, set goals for it, and don't let situations and circumstances deter us from it.
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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Enjoy Life My Son

Dear Sons,
     In life you should enjoy all that you can.  The more you enjoy life the more you are happy and positive.  When you complain about life or focus on what is going wrong in your life or others around you.  It causes you to be negative and you loose your focus on the positive thing that happens.  You should always see the glass as half full.  This way of thinking will give you hope.  Hope is a confident expectation of good.  Always expect good in yourself as well as others.  It may not work all the time, but expect good in the persons that you meet each day.  If they show you something other than good, well that is a horse of a different color.  Enjoy yourself.  Enjoy your life.  Enjoy your family.
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